With our new Allaire Aris wireless speaker, one of the many advantages is controlling it with your smartphone. At $374, in addition to our amazing sounding Allaire Aris speaker, you also will receive our wireless card that connects to your home network and is DLNA 1.5 compliant. Using many of the free DLNA apps on both the Google Play market for Android, and also the App store in iOS you can push music that is shared on your home network, or directly from your phone. If you have all iOS devices though, the use of Airplay from those devices is a nice option to have. Well, as luck would have it, Apple makes a $99 device called and Airport Express that turns the Allaire Aris speaker into a fully controllable part of your Apple Airplay wireless ecosystem.
The Airport Express is a simple device creates or extends your wireless network. Each Airport Express base station is nameable and is recognized as an Airplay target via iTunes or any iOS mobile device. Each base station has an audio output you’d simply connect the the audio input on the Allaire Aris unit and viola! Once connected you can stream iTunes, Pandora, Spotify and many other directly to your Allaire Aris, all for only $396. (Allaire Aris $297, Airport Express $99) You can add additional Aperion Allaire Aris/Airport Express units to other rooms in your home and play the same song to all of them synchronized. Overall this is a simple, elegant and affordable way to add to the beautiful design and amazing sound of the Allaire Aris speaker system.